Why is copper useful against some diseases?

Many forms of copper and copper compounds, such as copper carbonate, copper silicate, copper oxide, copper sulphate and copper choloride, were used throughout history for the treatment of diseases. Copper has been used for medicinal purposes as far back as ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome as well as in the ancient Aztec civilization.
In ancient Egypt, copper was used to purify drinking water. Copper was also used to sterilize wounds, and for the treatment  of headaches, trembling of the limbs, burns and itching. The Greeks used copper as a treatment for leg ulcers associated from varicose veins, while the romans used it to purge the stomach and treat ear and eye disorders.

Copper jewellery worn directly on skin has been used for a hundred years or more as a remedy for many ailments, including arthritis. Modern researches continue to investigate the role of copper in the functioning of the human body and its incredible healing properties.  

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