766 BC


he modern Olympics were revived in 1896. But they were originally held more than 2500 years before that. The original games were held in the ancient city of Olympia in Greece. They took place once in every five years during the first full moon after the summer solstice. Olympia was situated the foot of the Kronos where the holy grove or the altis soon became surrounded with temples. Near the altis was the stadium in which nearly 45,000 spectators could watch the events. During the festival month of the Games, a truce of peace was in force all throughout Greece. Accordingly, no one going as spectator or competitor was allowed to carry arms.

In ancient Greece only freeborn male citizens could take part in the Olympic Games. Women were forbidden, on penalty of death, to even see the games. One woman, the mother of Pisidours, did successfully defy the death penalty. She continued the training of her son after his father died. She was not recognized until she shouted with joy over her son’s victory. She was pardoned and in time women were allowed in the game.
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