Khadi - The Pride of India


The origins of Khadi
India has a very long and ancient history of textiles and making of clothes. In the Vedic period, the Aryans are known to have produced their own cloth. Internationally, ancient foreign traders
were captivated by the art of Indian fabric making and printing. People like Alexander the Great, when he invaded the country land the famous traveler, Marco Polo, was also dazzled by this Indian creativity.

Publicizing of Khadi
It however was Mahatma Gandhi, the father of the nation, who publicized and gave khadi fabric its real importance and prominence. He launched a movement persuading Indians to spin their own cloth
and buy hand spun cloth, which led to people all over the country wearing khadi and rejecting western textiles. Khadi is thus considered as the fabric of the freedom struggle. It is also said by many that the first true Indian designer was Gandhiji, since he used to hand spin his own clothes and encouraged all Indians to wear khadi. Basically, khadi means any cloth that is hand spun and
hand woven.


The growth
Gandhiji devised ‘charkhas’ (hand operated spinning machines) to spin thread and make simple clothes from cotton, which grew in India in large quantities. In his spare time, he himself used to
spin the thread on the charkha, which encouraged people to join his movement. With the popularity of the Khadi cloth movement; Gandhiji’s followers opened khadi shops in all the big cities of India.
The slogan which the people chanted while spinning on the ‘charkha’ was : “Charkha chala chalake, Lenge swaraj lenge’’. (As we whirl the charkha to spin the thread, we’ll regain our freedom.) Khadi also had an important role in marriage functions, especially in North India.
Khadi charkhas were in earlier times, often given as presents or as part of personal accessories to brides so as to encourage their spinning of yarn into clothes.

Modern trends in Khadi
Khadi is a simple and eco-friendly fabric that keeps you cool in summer and warm in winter. It depicts simplicity and style and is also very flexible. Therefore, many designers have in recent years been working on khadi fabric to give it a modern look and enhanced appeal. Attractive khadi Kurthas, shawls, tunics, trousers scarves as well as cushions are now even sold internationally.

Khadi today
Khadi is a true symbol of Indian identity today and occupies a place of pride in the heats of all Indians. The flag of India is only allowed to be made from khadi, although many flag anufacturers
tend to ignore this rule. Today the term khadi refers to any handmade or hand-woven item of mass consumption. Thus handmade mats, candles, soap, towels, bed sheets, mats, handicrafts, paper
products, etc., have all come to be associated with the term Khadi. Many natural foods like honey are also sold through khadi shops. To this day, a great number of politicians in India are seen wearing only khdi-clothing. Khadi development boards exist in almost all states of the country to promote the manufacture as well as sale of khadi products. Khadi is also a fabric that defines simplicity as well as style. It is now being promoted both as a brand and as a designer wear by the Khadi and Village Industries Corporation to help increase its popularity.

Whether it’s khadi clothes, sheets, towels, or anything else made out of this eco-friendly handmade fabric, its popularity and importance is becoming more and more significant, both nationally and internationally. Khadi is indeed The Pride of India.


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