Copper occurs naturally in nature in the form of nuggets. Gold and silver occur as nuggets too, but they are very rare. Copper on the other hand is widely distributed and readily available. It is easily worked into different shapes, and this is the reason copper was one of the first metals to be used by early man. It could be made into tools and wepons that were not as hard as stone tools or weapons, but lasted much longer. Moreover copper tools could be sharpened again and again, so that they remained as good as new.
Copper is also present in ores, and later people learnt how to extract copper from ores. Gradually they began mixing copper with zinc to create an alloy called bronze, thus ushering a period known as the Bronze Age.
Copper is also present in ores, and later people learnt how to extract copper from ores. Gradually they began mixing copper with zinc to create an alloy called bronze, thus ushering a period known as the Bronze Age.