

The sapodilla, popularly known as chikku, is a favourite fruit in India. But it is not only the fruit that makes the sapodilla tree valuable. Did you know that chewing gum is made from the milky latex of this tree? This latex is known as chicle. The Mayans began chew- ing it in the 2nd century AD. The first chicle-based chewing gum was developed in USA in 1869. The sapodilla originated in Central America. The Spanish carried it to the Philippines, from where it spread into neigh- bouring countries. Today, it is found through- out the tropical regions of the world, including India, the Philipines, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, the West Indies, and Central and South America. India is one of the largest producers of the fruit. 

The sapodilla is an evergreen tree that can reach a height of 100 feet. The leaves are dark green, glossy and attractive. The fruit is round or egg-shaped, with brown and rather scruffy skin like that of a potato. The flesh is yellowish or dark brown, soft and very sweet, with a grainy texture like that of a pear. About 5-10 seeds – hard, black, and inedible – are embedded in the flesh. 

The sapodilla is an ideal dessert fruit. The ripe flesh can be eaten or used in various desserts. In the Bahamas, the mashed fruit pulp is added to bread mix while baking. In India, sapodilla pulp is used for making sweets and halwas. It is also an ingredient of fruit salads, ice creams, and milkshakes. 

Many health benefits are also provided by the sapodilla. A good source of minerals like potas- sium, copper, and iron, it is also rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin C. Further, it is high in dietary fibre and in calcium. 

Sapodilla wood is prized for its strength and durability. Beams made of this wood have been found intact in the ruins of ancient Mayan tem- ples in Mexico. The tannin-rich tree bark is used to make dyes. The use of the latex, chicle in chewing gum has already been mentioned. Chicle is also used as an adhesive and as a crude filling for tooth cavities. 

The sapodilla also has many medicinal uses. A decoction made from the fruits is used as a remedy for diarrhoea. The crushed seeds are used for treating kidney stones and for insect bites.

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